NEW Tesla MOBILE PHONE | the Tesla Model Pi | built-in Starlink Wi-Fi

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Elon Musk produces a mobile phone with built-in Starlink Wi-Fi. Elon Musk never fails to surprise the world with his incredible, next-gen technology. From launching rockets to space, manufacturing the most advanced electric cars to providing the world with satellite internet: he some how succeeds every time. But he doesn't stop there. This time, Elon Musk introduced a new smart phone that is ready to break through: the Tesla Model Pi. Hello and welcome to another  blog of poruk  Blogs where we discuss everything about Tesla 's much awaited new smartphone. First, what makes this smartphone so special? Well, Musk plans to incorporate all available technology into this super smartphone, which may be one of the reasons why none have been built previously. This new smartphone combines his notable expertise in developing 4680 batteries, solar-powered items, Tesla electric automated vehicles,and multiple spacex missions. Experts believe that Tesla Model Pi or also called Tesla Model P with the features this phone has, will shake up the whole smart phone industry once it lands on the market. This phone will be a real gadget revolution,and it sure will give companies like Samsung and Apple a run for their money. It might even force them to drop their prices. But even though the features and specifications are known, the release date is not, or rather it is kept a secret by the company. Antonio De Rosa designed the Tesla Model Pi,the same person who has created exciting concepts for Apple products. The designer made the phone in honor of Tesla and SpaceX

Many gadget researchers claim that it looks similar to the iPhone 12 in some ways, like the four cameras in a square frame, and the phone's sides being rounded by a silvery tint. But the Tesla Model Pi differs far more than the iPhone 12. It is a completely different phone. For example, according to the designers itwill be possible to charge the phone with a built-in solar panel which is somethingwe haven t seen before. The phone will also have a coating that canchange color. This is possible due to the fact that thedevelopers have created a photochromic coating that shimmers with various pigments under the influence of sunlight. In addition to this, the front camera is not visible. Experts believe that it will be located under the display. As if that is not enough, the developers are introducing a solar panel for recharging. De Rosa did not disappoint. And these are just the design features. Now let s dig deeper and see other featuresof the phone. First of all, you should know that the developersof this phone used modern Tesla technologies. As a result, all thoughts of the other featuresbeing similar to those of other smartphones are scratched. The phone will support Starlink satelliteinternet. You have probably already heard about Starlink. Starlink is a project that consists of satellites launched into space with the main purpose to provide high-speed internet. 

The technology is top-notch, but it is stillin its beta stage. However, tests show that this internet isbound to clock download and upload speeds of up to 210 gigabytes per second. But the Tesla Model Pi will download and upload data at a speed of up to 210 megabits per second using the Starlink internet. Now that s pretty fast. And with the satellites flying in low orbit,low latency and fast connectivity are assured. The Model Pi will be able to connect to other Tesla devices, like the cars, without the need for a sim card to connect via the regionalcellular networks. What this means is that all Tesla productswill be linked to the Starlink network, and that way, it will be easier to synchronizethe devices. As if that s not enough, the Model Pi hasa Tesla mobile app that can automatically drive the vehicle without any manual controlsor keys. This app gives users remote access to theirTesla vehicles. This is going to change everything. The phone will also support Neuralink technology. But you may be wondering, what is Neuralink? Neuralink is another one of Musk's companiesthat specializes in creating brain chips. In theory, these chips will allow any one to control technology just by thinking of the commands. However, the company has already started putting the theory to practice.

They implanted a monkey, a male macaque tobe specific, with the chip and filmed it playing video games. Even though in the video it seems like he was controlling the game with a joystick, the joystick was unplugged. He was playing Mind Pong , and he was controlling the paddle simply by thinking of moving his hands up or down. Musk tweeted, saying, "First Neuralink product will enable someone with paralysis to use a smartphone with their mind faster than someone using thumbs.

"Now that Tesla is producing the Model Pi,they want to equip the phone with this technology. This would help those with disabilities, like paralyzed people, communicate better. Model Pi users will have the ability to mine Marscoin cryptocurrency. Elon Musk introduced this new cryptocurrency in 2014, claiming that it would help the early in habitants of Mars to build themselves andsupport themselves. Clearly, with Elon Musk, building a colony on Mars does not seem like an impossible thing to do. He says that instead of printing more money to be used there, cryptocurrency and blockchain will be the way to go. Does that mean that the Model Pi will be thefirst phone to work on the planet? We mentioned before that the Tesla Model Piwill be connected to the Starlink network. But is your information safe once you connectto this network? Even though the satellite-based internet projectis still in its early stages, it is available in some regions. Elon Musk plans to launch the network globallyby 2022. However, experts have discovered a problem in the Starlink Internet system. 

Hackers can easily intercept Starlink traffic. Elon Musk said that the company has developed its proprietary protocol for encrypting user data and will use end-to-end encryption. In his opinion, these two elements will provide people with safety. Even though it seems that anyone who buys the Model Pi will need more serious protection like using a VPN. We hope that by the time they launch the Starlink Internet globally, they will have fixed their security problem. The Tesla Model Pi is a phenomenal phone. This is the gateway to a whole generationof smartphones, and it will give major phone companies a run for their money. These are just some of the features that weknow about. The Model Pi will surely have other hidden features that we do not know about yet. 

And for sure, they will come as a surprise to many. The breath taking Model Pi will be a legendary phone. And since we do not know the release date,all we can do is wait. And that 's all for today's  article. What are your thoughts on the "Tesla Model Pi" ? Will it out class its competitors like Apple and Samsung? And would you buy it? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Stay tuned for more interesting articles. See you in the next one!

 People also ask--------

1. Does Tesla make a phone?

Ans:- Tesla's smartphone designer is Antonio De Rosa, an expert who has created exciting concepts for Apple products. The designer will make the phone in honor of Tesla and Starlink SpaceX. ...

2. Can you leave your phone in your Tesla?

The app has a feature called Phone Key that turns a smartphone into, well, a key

3. Will Starlink offer phone service?

Elon Musk says Starlink internet service will be 'fully mobile' in 2021. 


Thanks for reading: NEW Tesla MOBILE PHONE | the Tesla Model Pi | built-in Starlink Wi-Fi, Sorry, my English is bad:)

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  1. Nice
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