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How does water shape Earth? - Best Anwer | The poruk

How does water shape Earth? Water plays a major role in shaping the surface of the Earth. It can do so through various processes such as erosion, tr…

Which country has the best technology in all fields? - Best Answer

Which country has the best technology in all fields? It is difficult to definitively say which country has the best technology in all fields, as tech…

Is China Really Building an Artificial Sun? All about china's fake sun - The Poruk

Is China Really Building an Artificial Sun?       Stars are some of the biggest generators of energy in the entire universe. From the humble red dwar…

Are ghosts real ?? The Science of Ghosts | Paranormal, Bhoots and Ouija Boards Exposed - The poruk

Are ghosts real ?? - Based on real story    Hello, friends! In 1989, Bollywood stars Vinod Khanna, Amjad Khan, and Dimple Kapadia, were shooting for …

Is it theoretically possible to travel faster than light? Scientists FINALLY Discovered a NEW Way To Travel Faster Than Light!

NEW Way To Travel Faster Than Light!  When you want to travel a long distance, say from one continent to another, you book an airplane flight, expec…

What is Voyager 2? NASA Reestablishes Contact With Voyager 2!

What is Voyager 2? Mankind has been looking up at the stars  for centuries, wondering what lies out there   in deep space, and if there are  other ci…

How can I time travel? Can you time travel with a black hole or with high speed? What are the types of Time travel?

Can you time travel  Hello, friends! In March 2003, the FBI arrested 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin. Newspapers reported that this man was extraordinari…

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